
  • 科研进展
  • 2024年10月31日
  • 产品描述:该机是高位结构配湿法整粒的机型,它能更好地满足固体制剂生产的工艺要求。采用优质奥氏体不锈钢制造,设有操作平台、楼梯和安全护栏。采用PLC控制,变频调速,全部操作可根据用户要求设定的工艺参数自动完成,并能自动打印所有工艺参数,原始记录真实可靠。高位湿法制粒机配湿法整粒机,与沸腾干燥机组成密闭的制粒生产线,更符合药品生产的GMP要求。 This equipment is designed


产品描述:该机是高位结构配湿法整粒的机型,它能更好地满足固体制剂生产的工艺要求。采用优质奥氏体不锈钢制造,设有操作平台、楼梯和安全护栏。采用PLC控制,变频调速,全部操作可根据用户要求设定的工艺参数自动完成,并能自动打印所有工艺参数,原始记录真实可靠。高位湿法制粒机配湿法整粒机,与沸腾干燥机组成密闭的制粒生产线,更符合药品生产的GMP要求。 This equipment is designed with High Platform and hingemounted cone mill;this type can satisfy more efficiently the process requipment in the solid dosage production process.The equipment is made of high quality Austenitic stainless steel and set with operating platform,stepladder and safety guardrail.PLC is designed to ensure a fully automatic control.All theoperations are automatically finished according to the customer's set parameters;moreover,process parameters can be printed and records of original data are truthfully reliable.Furthermore,the hinge-mounted cone mill of the Mixer and Granulator can directly be connected to a Fluid-Bed Processor in a hermetic granulation production line.LHSZ Series high shear mixer can comply even more with GMP requirements for medicine production.
