2014年6月11日,Dialog半导体有限公司举办了“采用蓝牙技术的智能照明解决方案”媒体见面会。Hubie Notohamiprodjo,Dialog固态照明产品营销总监,在会上表示:“考虑到成本相对较低且容易过渡,Dialog认为蓝牙技术未来将在智能照明领域得到快速发展。”
创建于1986年的Dialog半导体有限公司2013年实现9.03亿美元营收,并通过收购iWatt组建了电源转换事业群。当前 Dialog 在PMIC领域已达全球第一,加之在专业照明领域的经验积累,使其深耕LED照明顺理成章。在本次见面会上,Hubie Notohamiprodjo重点介绍了iW6401芯片,其可编程数字化控制和高度灵活性为LED照 明控制提供了全新的选择。此外,由于iW6401集成了精简元器件数目,使得成本大幅下降,为客户提供更加经济化的方案。
随着LED替代传统灯具风潮兴起,对室内灯具性能及可调节性要求越来越高。Dialog公司smarteXite™ iW6401产品支持多种调光模式,如切向调光、开关事件处理及曲线调光方式,并提供多个查询表,便于修正调光曲线。此外,它通过标准I2C数字接口,可以作为低功耗蓝牙、Wi-Fi或ZigBee等无线通信模块的一个功能强大的前端系统。
iW6401支持多个调光接口,如简单市电开关数字调光、新Ledontron™数字调光协议以及基于钮子开关的調度。此外,它集成了数字载重线传输(Digital Loadline Transmission, DLT)接收器支持 Ledotron IEC 62756-1 调光协议,是世界首款单芯片即插即用(plug-and-play) Ledotron 解决方案。
由于手机成为生活必需品,iW6401结合DA14580芯片能够兼容所有支持蓝牙4.0标准的手机,将精确控制LED运行利用高速I2C数据链路链接驱动器与BT收发器。同时,为客户提供开放式API程序,以不同组别结构实现多个LED灯控 制,同时还能设置不同的场景选项,如on/off操作或连续调整亮度,以满足消费者个性化需求。Hubie Notohamiprodjo表示:“我们更愿意为客户提供适合产品,而不是炫技。”
BlueTooth Smart Lighting Solution
By Hubert Lee
As the world moves towards a more connected and smart home environment, there is an increasing demand for smart lighting solutions that can be easily controlled and managed using mobile devices.
The iSMT-iw660x series of LED drivers from Littelfuse offer a comprehensive solution for this problem by providing high efficiency, reliability, and flexibility in their design. These drivers are designed to work seamlessly with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology, allowing users to control their lights remotely using their smartphones or tablets.
The iSMT-iw660x series features advanced power management capabilities that enable efficient energy consumption while maintaining optimal light output. This means that users can enjoy bright and consistent lighting without worrying about high energy bills.
In addition to its advanced power management features, the iSMT-iw660x series also offers flexible dimming capabilities that allow users to adjust the brightness of their lights according to their needs. This feature is particularly useful in environments where different levels of lighting are required at different times of the day or night.
Furthermore, the iSMT-iw660x series is designed with safety in mind. It features built-in overcurrent protection and thermal monitoring capabilities that ensure safe operation even under extreme conditions.
The future of smart lighting looks promising as it continues to evolve with new technologies emerging every year. With advancements in IoT connectivity options such as Zigbee & Z-Wave along with Wi-Fi & Bluetooth LE becoming increasingly affordable and widely adopted by consumers worldwide; we can expect more innovative solutions like these coming our way soon!