(1)高效杀菌, killers fast, suppressive ability strong.
(2)GP401 kills a wide range of microorganisms: bacteria, fungi, algae and other microorganisms commonly found in reverse osmosis water systems.
(3)Operation safe, non-flammable, non-volatile.
(4)Compatible with all types of membranes produced by major manufacturers such as Dow Chemical Company (DOW.Filmtec), General Electric Company (GE), Hydranautics (Hydranautics), Toray Industries (TORAY,), and South Korea's world leading manufacturers.
Reverse Osmosis Special Fungicides GP401 can be used in the following three ways:
On-line dosing; Dosing amount of 5-20ppm
The impact of dosing:Add amount of 200-400ppm,about two weeks to join a meering,every 45 minutes.
Cessation of Rosystem operation,configure the use of chenical cleaning solution for sterilization ,and circulating liquld system for processing.
If pollution is serious,should first place the system after the chenical cleaning process then according to the following steps to sterilization processing:
(1) Add water to wash tank ,the preparation of reverse osmosis-specific fungicides HP501 at a concentration of 400-800 ppm;
(2) Adjust pH value below seven using citric acid or hydrochloric acid;
(3) Circulate for about an hour.
(1) Reverse Osmosis Special Fungicides GP401 has corrosive properties and should be kept away from skin contact and eyes;
(6) For specific usage situations and dosage recommendations please consult technical service engineer from OERSTED.
Reverse Osmosis Special Fungicides GP401 come packaged in plastic drums each containing twenty kilograms. Store at room temperature avoiding light exposure for one year.