
  • 学术交流
  • 2025年02月05日
  • 在上海的繁华都市心脏地带,螺杆式风冷冷水机组如同守护者般静静等待着新的使命。它们是制冷设备配件中的佼佼者,而现在,它们正以现货供应的姿态迎接每一位寻找解暑之助的英雄。 这些风冷冷水机和水冷冷水机用于户外安装和操作。风冷机直接由空气被机械地传阅,机器的冷凝盘管,直接驱逐热量大气空气colded. 冷却机相似,只是它们在实施colded cooler线圈的water雾,以帮助colded



这些风冷冷水机和水冷冷水机用于户外安装和操作。风冷机直接由空气被机械地传阅,机器的冷凝盘管,直接驱逐热量大气空气colded. 冷却机相似,只是它们在实施colded cooler线圈的water雾,以帮助colded cooler colded. 没有远程colded tower通常需要与包装colded air或制Cold Machine这些类型。

贮液器:贮液器安装在colded cooler之后,与colded cooler的排液管是直接连通的。colded cooler的制Cold Liquid应畅通无阻地流入贮液器内,这样就可以充分利用colded cooler的cooling面积。另一方面,当蒸发器的hot load变化时,制Cold Liquid 的需求也随之变化,那时,贮液器便起到调剂和贮存制Cold Liquid 的作用。对于小型cooling system系统,往往不装贮液器,而是利用colded cooler来调剂和贮存制Cold Liquid .

干燥过滤器:在cooling system中预防water分和污物(oil污、铁屑、铜屑)等进入,water分来源主要是新添加了CoolantLiquid 和润滑油所含微量water份,或由于检修system时空气进入而带来的water分。如果system中的water分未排除干净,当CoolantLiquid 通过节流阀(hot expansion valve or capillary tube)时,因压力及温度下降,有时候会结冰成冰,使通道阻塞影响cooling device正常运作因此,在cooling system中安装干燥过滤器。

什么是wind cooling type cold water machine?它使用air to cool down the temperature of the machine. Cold water machines are simple, they are a type of output low-temperature refrigerated water machine, with an adjustable output temperature range from 3 to 35 degrees Celsius.

Wind cooled ice water machines use air to cool down the temperature of the machine. The heat generated by the machine is transferred through a heat exchanger in which it comes into contact with air, thus dissipating its heat and lowering its temperature.

Wind cooled screw type ice water machines are one of these types of wind cooled cold water machines that use a screw compressor and a condenser coil to transfer heat from the hot side (the evaporator) to the cold side (the condenser). They also have an expansion valve that allows for efficient control over pressure in both sides of the loop.

The working principle is as follows: during suction process, gas enters through suction port into spiral groove on rotor surface. As rotor rotates, stars enter sequentially into mating position with spiral groove on rotor surface and gas enters compression chamber formed by spiral groove on rotor surface and inner space within casing body and star teeth face forming closed space. Compression process: as rotor rotates further, compression chamber volume continues decreasing until gas reaches exhaust port at end stage completes one cycle work process due two compressions occurring every rotation round so total exhaust amount twice more than single round around this time cycles repeat continuously while maintaining desired level constant throughout operation

In conclusion, Shanghai's wind cooled screw type ice water machines offer high efficiency at low cost due their ability efficiently remove excess heat using natural convection without needing any additional equipment like cooling towers or pumps! So if you're looking for reliable solution for your outdoor installations needs then consider purchasing these fantastic units today before supplies run out!
