国美电器精选DD电机超级智能手洗器LG A12345D评测大师篇

  • 综合资讯
  • 2025年01月07日
  • 前言,提起LG洗衣机,你首先想到的是什么?DD直驱电机?6种智能手洗?美学外观?其实远不止如此。在协调技术与人类需求的深度融合方面,设计发挥着至关重要的作用。LG电子致力于将其数字家电完美融入您的生活与家庭,装饰您的生活,让您的生活更加安逸,使您的心情更加愉悦。 LG洗衣机的设计理念可以归结为四个基本要素:概念、风格、界面和终饰。完善这些要素

国美电器精选DD电机超级智能手洗器LG A12345D评测大师篇



回到现实生活中来,当你厌倦了噪音在你耳边吼叫,当你正为家中不断攀升的电费苦恼的时候,是不是很希望找到一款节能环保、静音且洗净度优秀的产品呢? LG的一款变频滚筒洗衣机—WD-A12345D就是你最佳选择。本期我们将为您带来该款洗衣机在快wash模式下的耗电量、洗净度、耗水量以及噪音评测,看看在日益忙碌的人生节奏中,该款洗衣机是否能够满足你的快速清洁需求。



据万维家电网网友调查显示,在购买washing machine产品时消费者最关注的是其washability的问题。归根结底:clean clothes是好washing machine!因此,将washability测试加入到本次评测中,还原最真实的情境场景,力求最真实地展示washing machine 的 wash效果。

测试方法:根据不同的program design principle,模拟最贴近life of the washing scene(投放专业推荐用量detergent powder,利用其他clothing进行weight comparison,选择machine默认加热温度),来进行clothes washability testing.


如今“low-carbon”concept深入人心,特别是在最近家電能效标识政策出台后,消费者对于household appliance是否低碳环保十分关心。因此,将“water consumption”的 test added to this evaluation section.

评测说明:由于technical reasons cannot measure the input water volume directly, so we can only use the drain volume as a substitute for evaluating water consumption. Although it does not achieve precision down to a single drop, it provides at least an intuitive assessment of washing machine water consumption from a certain perspective. Test equipment: rectangular box with an area of 1900cm² = 0.19m² on the bottom and a similar box with an area of 0.19m² on the bottom.

Testing method:

According to national standards for noise testing of household appliances and spin dryers issued by China's National Standards Commission (CNS), test rooms should have a minimum volume of 40 cubic meters when testing room acoustics.

Based on national standards and industry norms as well as daily usage experience, it is known that during spinning in the final three minutes before completion of each cycle, washing machines produce their loudest noise levels.

Testing instruments used include professional sound level meters installed in designated locations within test rooms according to specifications outlined in CNS standard GB/T17933-2017 “Acoustic measurement methods for household appliances — Determination of sound power levels.”


同样的,在消费者对washing machines’ energy efficiency being concerned while they are also interested in its energy-saving performance; thus this time we will evaluate its high-efficiency energy consumption through our rigorous tests using specialized equipment designed specifically for measuring electrical power usage during different stages throughout various cycles including pre-wash, main wash & rinse cycles etc., which will help us determine whether or not these products truly deliver value against their price tag relative other models available today!