科研进展亮点瑞士会议见证国家授时中心代表的全球导航智慧ICG A组中间会议激荡新思路

  • 科研进展
  • 2024年11月28日
  • 2014年7月16日至18日,全球卫星导航系统国际委员会(ICG)在瑞士的第二大城市日内瓦举办了2014年工作组A中间会议,国家授时中心副主任卢晓春作为北斗系统代表团成员出席并担任ICG A组责任专家。 本次中间会议旨在回顾上一年度工作、总结议题进展、讨论新建议,并商定下一步年度大会议程。此外,还包括对未来GNSS发展趋势的深入探讨。四个主要议题——兼容性问题

科研进展亮点瑞士会议见证国家授时中心代表的全球导航智慧ICG A组中间会议激荡新思路

2014年7月16日至18日,全球卫星导航系统国际委员会(ICG)在瑞士的第二大城市日内瓦举办了2014年工作组A中间会议,国家授时中心副主任卢晓春作为北斗系统代表团成员出席并担任ICG A组责任专家。

本次中间会议旨在回顾上一年度工作、总结议题进展、讨论新建议,并商定下一步年度大会议程。此外,还包括对未来GNSS发展趋势的深入探讨。四个主要议题——兼容性问题、开放服务信息共享与性能监测(IGMA)、频谱保护与干扰监测削弱(IDM)、以及GNSS互操作性问题—are the focus of in-depth discussions. The meeting saw representatives from various countries exchange views on current and future challenges in satellite navigation compatibility and interoperability.

The discussion on GNSS compatibility centered around the impact of new mobile communication frequency bands on satellite navigation, as well as open service performance parameters and accuracy decay factors. IGMA focused on monitoring evaluation parameters, with presentations from China and Russia. IDM revolved around previously discussed proposals and action plans, while the interoperability session was chaired by Lu Xiaochun, who also presented a report on Chinese industry/user interoperability research findings.

Lu Xiaochun's analysis of survey results from previous three interoperability workshops guided further work in this area. In conclusion, five proposals were agreed upon at the end of the meeting: encouraging new interference detection methods; evaluating interference detection standards; hosting joint UN frequency protection & IDM workshops; establishing an ICG monitoring information portal; and organizing an IGMA workshop.

These proposals will be taken up for further discussion at ICG-9 conference’s A-group session before being submitted to supplier forums and the ICG main conference.
